by Joe O'Neill
January 9, 2012
completion of the Constitutional Convention, in 1787, as he walked out
of the Philadelphia Statehouse, a question was asked of Benjamin
Franklin. "Well, Doctor, what have we got - a republic or a
monarchy?" Franklin's reply was prescient, "A Republic, if you can keep
believe that, unless Americans rise up en masse (in November) to
reverse the corruption and fundamental economic reshaping taking place
in the United States, we will lose any vestige of recognition of
the Republic we have grown up knowing. I truly believe this is the most
important election in the history of our Republic since the Civil War,
and the last best chance we have to begin turning things around. Should
we fail to remove Barack Obama, his cronies, and reclaim the Senate in
November, we might very well never see again the United States as the
world's beacon of freedom and liberty.
Obama came into office promising to reshape America. He has largely
succeeded. He passed, by hook and crook, the first comprehensive Health
Care law designed to place our most intimate freedom of choice - that
of choosing a doctor and making health decisions - under the auspices
of nameless, faceless government bureaucrats. Ostensibly passed to
lower costs and increase choice, businesses across America are dropping
their plans or increasing premium payments because they see where costs
are headed - UP! The Individual Mandate, by 2014, will make costs
prohibitive, thereby throwing Americans' health care into one giant pot
of government rationed care, and destroy business in the process.
Obama has brought us not only increased unemployment, but has 'cooked
the books' on reporting of same, the Solyndra and Fast and Furious
scandals, 99 weeks of unemployment benefits, Occupy Wall Street
protests, Union unrest in Ohio and Wisconsin, an increased federal
welfare state, the EPA and Cap and Tax, the TARP II Spending Bill (of
trillions of dollars) of new unfunded debt and pay-offs to the banks,
and has begun the process of weakening our national defenses and
security by ignoring Iran, China, and Russia. He is reducing the size,
funding, and scope of our military forces, and he has regularly refused
to protect, support, and defend the U.S. Constitution on issues of
illegal immigration, the Mexican Drug Cartels, and in his use of Recess
Appointments, thereby sidestepping Congressional oversight. While
regularly throwing expensive White House parties, his wife takes
separate jets and vacations (on our backs), while he has racked up over
90 golf outings of his own - all during the personal and frequent
vacations he takes. He does all of this during a time of massive
unemployment and hardship for the majority of his fellow American
citizens - and regularly maligns Americans as lazy while waxing
eloquent on his Marxist, Socialist policies of "spreading the wealth."
Obama and his Socialist ilk another term in office and the whole idea
of the United States as a country founded upon the individual's right
to freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness will cease to exist.
Our founders wisely foresaw that through the power of individual
choice, to pursue excellence in their lives, careers, and aspirations,
Americans could unleash the power of liberty to positively influence
the direction of their lives and the direction of limited government.
Obama and his cronies seek is nothing less than the complete
transformation and subversion from limited government and the freedom
of the individual, to one of complete and total control of the people
and centralizing of all government power. In short - tyranny,
dictatorship. Don't believe me? Just look at what has transpired over
the past three years. If you don't take my word for it, let's take a
look at what SEIU Union Leader, Andy Stern, wrote in his latest Op Ed Wall Street Journal piece, written on December 1, 2011. In his Op Ed piece referenced below, Stern agrees
that free market principles have been superior over planned economies
(Read: Socialism) but he then proceeds to attempt to make the case for China's Superior Economic Model.
Obama followed this up on December 6, 2011, with the following speech
highlighted by this: "The market will take care of everything, they
tell us, ......Now, it's a simple theory that fits well on a bumper
sticker. But here's the problem: It doesn't work. It has never worked."
He made this statement in Osawatomie, Kansas.
find ourselves at a point in our nation's history where
Communism/Socialism is being openly espoused by our President, and
others, as the government model we should emulate. Our personal
liberties and freedoms are under attack. We find our choice of health
care in danger, our freedom to own, possess, and use firearms under
assault (Fast & Furious), Congress is out of touch with normal
Americans, and in certain instances occupied by corrupt officials, and
our total national indebtedness equals our total Gross Domestic Product
output. Soon, the debt will exceed the GDP. Our children's and
grandchildren's future freedoms are in danger of being lost because
nations like China, England, Saudi Arabia hold or own our debt. The
borrower is truly servant to the lender. As anyone who has ever been
late on a bank loan, mortgage payment, etc. can testify, it isn't long
before the noteholder is hounding you for repayment.
The Senate and House composition needs to also undergo further electoral change. Judicial Watch recently released its Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politician's List.
The Senate alone, under Democratic control, has failed to submit a
budget in over 900 days, a clear Constitutional requirement. Both
Houses of Congress, with Obama's active support, have passed policies
of profligate printing and spending of money we don't have, thereby
devaluing our currency. The last time I looked, the money we earn is
private property. So, for the government to actively devalue our
private property rights is clearly an infringement of
our Constitutional freedoms. Wake up, my fellow Americans, our very
freedoms are slowly, but surely, being taken from us!!!
Rep. Spencer Bachus, of Alabama, is on the list for Insider Trading. He
has made money trading on knowledge that, were you and I to use, we
would go to jail, but is perfectly legal for him to do. President Obama
is listed, as is Attorney General Eric Holder, who, is at the center of
the Fast and Furious scandal and cover-up of gunrunning to the Mexican
Drug Cartels. When it comes to corruption, greed shows no
particular party affiliation, it's all about abusing your office for
personal gain. It is interesting to note, though, that in the top
ten listing, six of the ten mentioned are Democrats as are six of the
eight listed on the Dishonorable Mention List.
1864, President Lincoln wrote a letter that stated his belief his
administration wouldn't survive; and that he'd have to cooperate with
McClellan and the Peace Party between the election and inauguration in
trying to save the Union. Lincoln had his Cabinet sign the envelope
without showing them the contents. Lincoln was truly depressed and
concerned for the preservation of the Union, the lack of progress in
prosecuting the war, the defeat of the South and freedom for the
slaves. It was, perhaps, the most important election in the Republic up
to that time. The Northern citizen, the troops in the field, and even
the Confederacy, saw the 1864 election as being the most profound in
its impact upon the future of the country. As Lincoln said in his 1858
House Divided Speech, "I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will
become all one thing or all the other." The Northern electorate did
their duty in the 1864 election, returning Lincoln to the White House
and seeing the war to its victorious conclusion. They were faithful to
the Founder's vision, having spent untold millions in treasure and
upwards of 600,000 lives to preserve the idea of liberty and justice
for all.
are, once again, at a similar threshold. Let us not fail in returning
America to its principal founding roots of liberty and freedom for the
individual. For if we do fail, our lives, as Americans will forever
change for the worse, and we won't ever be the same again. Life, as we
have known it, will have ceased to exist. The great thinker, C.S.
Lewis, wrote the following: "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny
sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most
oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under
omnipotent busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep,
his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us
for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the
approval of their own conscience."
past time that we take back our Republic, at the ballot box, in
November, and put Obama and all his kind out of office and into the
unemployment lines. Let them feel the sting of hardship for a change.
Of course, our "Dear Leader" will most likely just go off on another of
his golf outings. "Fore!", is more than just a golf warning in this
case. Be forewarned, this is, most likely, our last best chance to keep
our Republic.
Well written and I agree with you on the importance of this election!!
ReplyDeleteThe country will be past the point of no return if this administration is returned to the White House for a second term.....which could evolve into an indefinite stay. The media is complicite in helping Nero fiddle (or golf, throw parties and thwart Congress and the will of the people) while America burns. and will launch unprecedented attacks against anyone who defies the administration. If we think things are ugly now, we haven't seen anything yet.
ReplyDeleteExcellently written, and very accurate. So true that many are blindly living their daily lives, unaware that American freedoms are slipping away without even a whimper from our Congress.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for your post.
This screed highlights the depth to which discourse has shamefully declined in our nation. But I agree with two of its observations: that the next national election is very important because it involves a basic choice of paths into the future, and that one of those paths is toward perdition. Indeed, the essay -- slander laden, larded with inaccuracies, and limited by the blind hatred of its author -- shows where that path, his chosen path, leads.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone really think Obama has a prayer?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone think the Republicans have a prayer? Willard Mitt Romney carrying the Guidon for the Republicans? I see a vast wealth of "The sky is falling", here, though I don't recall this premise during the '00 to '08 years from this community.
DeleteGet with it, or step off. The Republic will continue to stand, and with it, a bite of the Humility sandwich for all the exceptionalists out there.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Of course he has a chance because there are too many idiot's out there that aren't aware of the danger, or you have those that are calling everyone a racist if you don't agree with the spender/exploiter in chief.The problem is is that too many people don't get the education they need to understand what is happening to our country, our religious freedoms, the bill of rights, and the rest of the constitution for that matter, the situation on our southern border, where the cartels are now openly executing American citzens. And what do you hear from the "main stream media",nothing at all except for the talking points from Obama and his cronies in the media and unions.
DeleteMr. Blaker -
ReplyDeleteI am curious...where have I slandered? In what way have I been inaccurate? How have I demonstrated hatred? I went to great length to explain things that have happened during this Congress and Administration. I have cited and noted where many of these can be researched. I would like for you to explain, in detail, your statements. Anyone can throw a "bomb", but not everyone can adequately explain what they believe and why. I await your explanation. We do agree on one point - that this is a seminal election. America has two very clear paths; mine is for individual liberty, yours is for big government.
Mr. Blaker - Don't forget to play the Race card in your scathing reply.
ReplyDeleteIf you need some help in talking points, just go back and check with Media Matters and
Typical liberal response, why don't you own up to your treason, taking talking points from a criminal group owned by a criminal named George Soros.
DeleteI generally agree with the point of this post. The statements can be, and are, quite controversial as many have not played out, but instead are speculation. History has proven people are horrible at determining the outcomes of complex systems, and this is no exception. That said, the government is no better, and while I do not necessarily agree that the expected outcomes listed in the post are accurate, I do believe that the government is on a fundamentally wrong track and their stated outcomes ARE demonstrably false. Moreover, as many in this country, I believe they are flat out lies used to explain why they voted to accrue more power to themselves at the expense of the public.
ReplyDeleteOne KEY disagreement I do have, however, is that Novemeber will be too late. In 2008 we were voting for two different shades of blue. In previous elections we have typically been presented with equally similar choices. Who cares if one choses to use $25 less on a $5million dollar deficit. Work to make a dent, not a statement on a news clip. No, what will make the difference is the Primaries. If we do not have a real choice, we will already have lost as no one will get added as an independent that can garner enough support to blow out both parties.
One point that needs to be considered is that it is going to take more than one election cycle to turn back from the socialist state that we are becoming.
ReplyDeleteIt's taken 100 years for us to get this far - we aren't going to be able to bring back what the Founders had in mind in four years.
"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be
ReplyDeletetempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to
work, instead of living on public assistance."
- Cicero - 55 BC
There's nothing new under the sun. A very well stated platform. I only wish it could be more widely disseminated.
Using flimsy statements such as "he has racked up over 90 golf outings of his own" only serves to undermine an otherwise solid article. But don't throw out the baby with the bathwater: Obama must not be re-elected for the good of the Nation.
ReplyDeleteThis forum is correct in assessing a severe threat to our democratic republic. It is incorrect in the underlying assumption that Republicans will change that. You should all get a copy of "Republic Lost" by Lawrence Lessig and get over this partisanship. The political system is the real culprit and changing the names on the doors in DC won't change a thing.