Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cry: “Foul!”…and Let Slip the Dogs of War

If the people raise a great howl against my barbarity and cruelty, I will answer that war is war, and not popularity seeking.
William Tecumseh Sherman

Dear Secretary Panetta, Clinton, and General Dempsey, please take a deep breath and put the actions of the Marines found urinating on the Taliban and the Soldiers with pictures of dead terrorists into perspective. When we send young men to war one of the undeniable facts is that we dehumanize the enemy. That's just what happens in combat. This has been going on as long as warfare itself.

One needs to look no further than one of the classic memoirs of World War II “With the Old Breed at Peleliu and Okinawa”. In this book, the author, E. B. Sledge, comments about this dehumanization of the enemy, asking himself after observing some Marines “field strip” a couple Japanese bodies, “Would the war dehumanize me so that I, too, would field strip enemy dead with such nonchalance? The time soon came when it didn't bother me a bit." 

We train Marines and Soldiers to locate, close with, and destroy the enemy! We want them and train them to kill with ruthless efficiency.

Gen. George Patton, one of the 20th century's greatest field commanders once said, "War is cruel, ruthless and brutal and it takes a cruel, ruthless and brutal man to fight it." It's obvious that these young men had been in combat for quite some time. They engaged in an action with the enemy that could result in one of two outcomes: either Marines die or the enemy dies. The Marines made the enemy pay for their huge mistake of thinking that they can go ‘mano a mano’ with Marines on the battlefield. The Marines, after scoring this victory, were doing their version of spiking the ball in the end zone.

Was this poor judgment? Very likely it was.
Did this require the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, and the Marine Corps to demand full-scale investigations involving three-star generals and criminal investigative agents?

Nope. This is a job for the company First Sergeant. The First Sergeant would have had this figured out in about 15 min. It would have been the end of story and further discussion.

Let's now talk about a real war crime and criminal- PFC Bradley Manning! The crime he committed is a Capital Offense and punishable by death according to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

Was there any outrage from the Secretary of Defense on that one?

Not that I remember.

How about the Secretary of State? Was there any outrage from her on that one too?

Nope, as a matter of fact, the State Department spokesman accused the Department of Defense of "torturing" the traitor, Manning!

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Oh) is calling the brig at the Marine Base in Quantico “Abu Gharib”! To top it off he has been nominated for a NOBEL Peace Prize.

We might as well have nominated Khadafy for helping bring peace to Libya by getting himself killed, that’s how ludicrous all of this really is.

I know there will be those that say the Geneva Convention says that this is unacceptable. It is a law of war violation, etc. In my opinion, we should only honor the rules of the Geneva Convention when we are actually at war with countries that are also signatories to the Geneva Convention. It's ridiculous to fight a war with one hand tied behind your back. It's tantamount to having two teams play a football game; where one team has to stay inbounds, play by all the rules, and the other team could run out of bounds, facemask, and hold, interfere with the receiver, and violate any and all rules of the game.

Who do you think is going to win that one?!


The Marine Corps on the battlefield of Iraq, or Afghanistan, has never surrendered or retreated. However, our generals, in Washington, DC, have finally surrendered to the politically correct crowd. I have never seen a group of flag officers more bankrupt of moral courage in my entire life. First, it was their total collapse in the face of attacks of ultra-liberal groups pushing the repeal of Don't Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT). Now, it's complete capitulation to the more ultra-liberal and special interest groups like the National Organization for Women (NOW)!

In case you missed the news, the Marine Corps will now put women into "combat arms units". In fact, they are going to send women to Infantry Officer's Course (IOC) at Quantico, Virginia. I find it interesting that they will now 'dumb down' their physical standards for a more “gender neutral" physical fitness test for those women entering the combat arms units. What this action really means is: “reduce our standards”.

I can already see the spin from these general officers. "They are better than the men", “They can do everything a man can do", etc., etc. Those of us that have served know that this is patently false. This is not to denigrate the patriotic contributions women have made to the Marines. They do great work, but let's face it, women are women and men are men. In case you haven’t noticed, the two sexes are different! Men universally are stronger and faster than women. Sure, there are some isolated instances where it could be said, or shown, that there might be a faster women than a particular man, but, how many women play baseball, football or basketball in the men's professional leagues? ZERO! There's a reason why they don't- they are not physically configured equal to men where they can adequately compete with them.

The mission of our great military is not to be a social engineering testing ground for every cockamamie, crazy, kooky idea and agenda that the liberal left can roll out. THE mission of our military is to fight and win wars. Period, END OF STORY! When we fail at that mission, we will already have begun to chisel our epitaph of defeat on the battlefield. Failure on the battlefield results in death and ultimately the loss of our freedom. It's time to stop the tampering and social engineering with our military. Let’s stick to fighting and winning our country's battles. If we do make changes to our military, it needs to be for one reason and one reason only-to make the military better. That should be the standard.

This change, clearly, is not going to make our military better.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Raising The Rainbow Flag

Thank you Mr President, SecDef and JCS for opening this Pandora's box!The Gay pride crowd wont be happy until we have a formation every morning and pledge allegiance to the rainbow flag!

U.S. military investigating photograph of soldier 'raising gay pride flag at base in Afghanistan' | Mail Online

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Obama’s Enthusiasm Gap

We here at Eyeball Liberty are not enamored with Mr. Romney, but we do respect Mr. Morris & hope that his analysis is correct.

Obama’s Enthusiasm Gap